Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Fees and Costs

See Student Account Services/Cashiering, www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/tuition.htm.

General Information

Statements concerning fees are announcements and not to be regarded as offers to contract. The University reserves the right to change fees and other charges at any time by published notice before the opening of any semester or session.

Courses taken for audit or courses taken for reduced credit or no credit will be counted at their normal credit value in computing the amount of fees to be paid.

It is the student’s responsibility to pay fees and any other financial obligations to the University as they become due. The non-payment of any financial obligation may result in the administrative withdrawal of the student or in legal action (at the University’s option). I agree that if my financial obligations are not paid when due, and the University should retain an attorney or collection agency for the collection, I agree to pay all fees of collection, including reasonable interest, reasonable attorney’s fees (even if a lawsuit is filed) and reasonable collection agency fees. I understand that the collection fees assessed by Northwest Missouri State University will be a percentage of the financial obligation to be collected. Records, future enrollment and charging privileges may be withheld for failure to meet payment deadlines. Delinquent accounts may be referred to external collection agencies and/or may be reported to national credit bureaus. The student is obligated to pay all fees of collection including collection fees and attorney’s fees.

If the University removes a student from the class rolls for any reason, charges will be reduced according to the schedules at https://www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/financialdates.htm. Such removal will not forgive any amounts due to the University, and records and enrollment will be withheld until all obligations are cleared. See “Transcript/Diploma/Enrollment Hold  (p. 56).”

The appeal body for most financial matters is the Student Financial Petition Committee. Forms are available online at www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/forms.htm.

Residency for Fee Purposes

A student’s residency status for fee purposes is determined at the time of admission according to state policy (Code of State Regulations 6 CSR 10-3.010). Copies of the residency policy and petitions for change of residency status are available on the Northwest webpage at https://www.nwmissouri.edu/admissions/apply/residency.htm or by request from the Office of Admissions - Operations. Petitions must be submitted to the Office of Admissions - Operations PRIOR to the beginning of the semester for which the change is desired. Students who qualify for Missouri residency maintain that residency as long as they are continuously enrolled.

Tax Credits

Education tax credits may be available to students or parents. Contact your tax preparer for more information. Tax credit links are available through the Student Account Services/Cashiering Office website (www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/taxlinks.htm).

Billing Policy - Email

Bill notifications are emailed to the student’s University email address. Bills can be viewed through CatPAWS, in the Payment Center and are the student’s responsibility. Failure to review a bill does not constitute a valid reason for not paying a bill on time.

If the student has granted authorization, bill notifications can be sent through the online billing system to an authorized user. The student will receive an email at their Northwest email address. If they have granted Additional Authorized Access, the user will receive an email notification of the new bill to which they can view online.


Students can authorize online access to parents or other third party individuals. There are two separate authorizations to be completed. One is for account information and online payment. The second allows verbal information to authorized individuals and online access to grades and financial assistance.

  1. Authorize online access to view student account and pay bills:
    1. Students log into CatPAWS
    2. Click Account Tab
    3. Click Payment Center
    4. Click Authorized Users and complete sign up
  2. Authorize Release of Information-concerning grades, financial assistance and billing:
    1. Log into CatPAWS
    2. Click Student tab
    3. Click Authorize Release of Information and complete form

Tuition and Fees

See Student Account Services/Cashiering, www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/tuition.htm

Fees for Special Programs

See Student Account Services/Cashiering, www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/specialprograms.htm.

Room and Board

See Student Account Services/Cashiering, www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/roomcosts.htm.

Miscellaneous Fees

A list of miscellaneous fees is available on the Northwest website at https://www.nwmissouri.edu/studentaccounts/index.htm by selecting Page Menu, click Tuition and Fees, click Miscellaneous Fees.

Senior Citizen Fee Waiver

Standard tuition (incidental and designated fees) for individuals 65 and older are waived. Individuals under this policy must pay any other fees that may be required. Enrollment in a class for this group is contingent on available space.

University Installment Plan

Students are encouraged to pay the total balance on or before the due date to avoid finance charges. Students will automatically be enrolled in an installment plan at the time they receive their bill. Students can view their installment amounts in the payment center.

  • A 1% finance charge will apply to any unpaid, billed balance. Finance charges are assessed the business day following the due date.
  • Financial aid and scholarships will reduce the overall balance on your account and cannot be used towards an installment payment.
  • If financial aid and/or scholarships are not authorized to your account by the due date, you will be subject to a finance charge. If a scholarship check is made payable to the student and Northwest, student endorsement will be required before it can post to the student’s account.
  • Monthly automatic withdrawal available.

Refund/Reduction in Charge Schedule

Refund/Reduction Full Semester Course Block, Seven Week and Online Professional Course Single Summer & Intersession Course
100% reduction 1 week 2 days 1 day
75% reduction 1 week 2 days 1 day
50% reduction 1 week 2 days 1 day
25% reduction 1 week 2 days 1 day

Note: Cannot swap dropped courses. All added courses are charged 100%.

  1. Refunds are based on FULL payment of all fees assessed.
  2. Payments made by financial aid may be refunded back to the program.
  3. Refunds/reductions in charge are based on initial enrollment.
  4. Refunds are not made if under $1.00 (unless requested at the Student Account Services/Cashiering Office).
  5. In withdrawal situations, Tower Yearbook charges are reversed through October 15.
  6. Refunds for off-schedule classes are prorated in line with the published schedule based on number of class meetings.

Determination of Return of Federal Aid

  1. Percentage of payment period (first day of class through last day of final examinations) completed is the number of calendar days the student remained enrolled divided by the total number of calendar days in the payment period.
  2. Percentage of Title IV funds eligible for disbursement earned is the percentage of the payment period completed through the 60% point and is 100% thereafter.
  3. Percentage unearned (to be returned to Title IV programs) is 100% minus the percentage earned.
  4. The return of the Title IV funds will be allocated in the following order up to amounts received from each program: Unsubsidized Direct Loans, Subsidized Direct Loans, Direct PLUS Loans, Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), TEACH Grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants (IASG).
  5. The University will return up to the unearned percentage multiplied by the total institutional charges. The student is responsible for any remainder.
  6. Amounts to be returned by the student to loan programs may be paid according to the terms of the promissory note. Amounts to be returned by the student to grant programs are reduced by 50%.

Examples of the application of this policy may be obtained by contacting the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance.

Calculated refund amounts due the students will be automatically credited to any unpaid charges.